Changes to NEBOSH certificate course. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.
Are you aware that the NEBOSH National General certificate has changed? But like the new Queensferry road bridge crossing in Scotland; It may look different, be in a slightly different place and allow high sided vehicles to cross on windy days but it essentially gets you roughly to the same place.
For our next NEBOSH course we are running the newly revised syllabus. A summary of the new changes are:

A change in the wording and emphasis to the Management section (NG1). This section is now more in line with current work-place thinking. There is a much greater emphasis on risk assessment, human factors and modern health and safety management systems. The 2 hour hand written exam stays the same for this section.
The section on Workplace hazards (Previously GC2 now labelled as NG2) has been shortened. For example, to deliver the fire module would normally require the whole day. Now the learning hours have been reduced to three. The two hour exam has been removed completely and replaced by an in depth work place inspection come risk assessment which is marked by NEBOSH.
The old NGC 3 project has been removed and replaced by the NG2 more comprehensive project as above.
Overall the recommended minimum learning hours have been reduced.
To achieve a full certificate, you now need to successfully pass the NG1 exam and the GC2 practical project.For our first course under the new heading, we have not reduced the tuition time much. This is because we consider that as the overall standard has not been reduced then to maintain the chance of having a successful outcome it makes sense to input the same effort. We will comment more on this after the first course has been delivered but we are aware and concerned that the national pass rates for this exam will reduce due to this economy of training time which we don’t want to affect