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Seminar 2021

At last. Finally, we can announce we are back; in more ways than one. After the long hard "Covid winter" we can finally announce definitively that we are hosting our usual annual Health and Safety Seminar on August 26th at the Kelham Island Museum in Sheffield.

Why Sheffield? We staged a great seminar there three years ago which was highly rated. We had a little issue with unwanted noise then (which was the only negative) which has now been resolved. The advantages though are ease of travel, thanks to the rail links and also the space we have available to us which does enable us to socially distant if we are still required to do so or if anyone attending is nervous about being too close to others. We will be able to open up the high level windows and as it will be the time of peak temperatures, allowing for maximum possible ventilation, again diminishing the fear of Covid infection.

We also like to keep moving the venue about so as not to always favor one locality over another. This is classed as one of the best (if not the best) regional trade shows, according to the trade exhibitors who display and demonstrate their new ideas. Highest rated PJ tastes are on hand to supply the five star hot and cold buffet as per the previous show here.

Short presentations are being provided by a range of speakers (approximately 35 minutes in length) representing a range of sectors, new developments, shared best practice that works in reality, engaging, sometimes quite emotional but as always, highly entertaining and thought provoking. There will be a high level of representation for health issues, not just safety.

In the afternoon we are staging a few workshops for you to participate in. There is always the free access to the museum as part of the deal in case you just feel like a break in the proceedings.

Please do not miss out, the space is not infinite and bookings are being taken all of the time. Book through the website through course bookings or please just call us by phone for a chat about it.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


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